Huwebes, Oktubre 30, 2014

"The way of nature"

Oh the trees,
See them cluster,
They give you shade,
That's the way of nature.                        

They feed you,
At the right time,
They feed you with the right things,
That's the way of nature.

The earth rotates,
Around the sun,
It causes day and night all long,
That's the way of nature.

The stars and moon,
Pop out at night,
And there they glow,
With all the light,
That's the way of nature.

The clouds in the sky,
That look like sheep,
They clash together,
And thunder seeps,
That's the way of nature.

Oh! The animals,
See them play,
With all their might,
They go their way,
That's the way of nature.

The blue ocean,
Spreads so far,
It has no end,
Like a war,
That's the way of nature.

The mountains high,
Could touch the sky,                                                                                                             Of different size and colors,                                                                                                 That's the way of nature.

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